Can You Buy Dog Food With EBT Food Stamps

Can you buy dog food with EBT food stamps? The short answer is no, you cannot use your EBT food stamps to purchase pet food, including dog food. The Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP), which is what EBT food stamps are used for, is designed to help low-income individuals and families purchase food for themselves. Pet food is considered a non-essential item and therefore cannot be purchased with EBT food stamps.

What can you buy with EBT food stamps?

When it comes to using EBT food stamps, there are certain restrictions on what you can and cannot purchase. Here are some of the items that you can buy with EBT food stamps:

  • Fruits and vegetables
  • Meat and poultry
  • Dairy products
  • Bread and cereals

Are there any exceptions to the rule?

While pet food in general cannot be purchased with EBT food stamps, there are certain instances where pet food may be allowed. Here are some exceptions:

  1. If the pet food is specifically designed for service animals, such as guide dogs or therapy animals
  2. If the pet food is part of a human meal, such as canned tuna for cats or rice for dogs

Are there any consequences for buying pet food with EBT food stamps?

If you are caught using your EBT food stamps to purchase pet food, you could face serious consequences. These may include:

  • Loss of benefits
  • Fines or penalties
  • Suspension of your EBT card

Alternatives for pet owners

For pet owners who are struggling to afford food for their animals, there are other options available. Here are some alternatives:

  • Local food banks or pet food pantries
  • Low-cost veterinary clinics
  • Pet food assistance programs


While EBT food stamps cannot be used to purchase pet food, there are a variety of resources available to help pet owners in need. It’s important to be aware of the restrictions on EBT food stamp usage and to explore other options for ensuring that both you and your pets have access to the food they need.